Ataa... Achievements to be Proud of
In 2023, the Ataa Association achieved exceptional successes, thanks to the construction of 5,000 housing units for displaced persons, the distribution of over 800,000 food baskets, the construction of 10 modern schools equipped with the latest technologies, providing education to more than 40,000 students, in addition to sponsoring 8,500 orphans. All of this comes alongside providing various assistance to thousands of families. The importance of these projects lies in enhancing community development and supporting the most vulnerable families, realizing the vision of the association as the first specialized institution in serving Syrians in the fields of humanitarian and developmental work. The impact of these achievements is evident in improving the daily lives of those affected and providing a better environment for the affected community, and this is indeed what we are proud of.
Boxing classes
Total Projects
Boxing classes
Million Total Beneficiaries
Boxing classes
Million Total Funding
We are committed to continuing to strengthen economic empowerment and development in the affected areas, as we believe that the path to true recovery lies in building the capacities of individuals and economically empowering them.
A Region Devastated by the Earthquake
The year 2023 was filled with challenges and achievements. In our report on the efforts of the Ataa Association during 2023, we recall the painful challenges faced by the Syrian society due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, including the devastating earthquake that struck the region, exacerbating humanitarian and economic conditions. We highlight the role of the Ataa Association, which not only provided emergency and vital assistance but also continued to focus on enhancing sustainable stability in the community. This was achieved through the construction of residential villages, implementation of economic empowerment projects, improvement of infrastructure, as well as support for education and provision of health and sanitation services.
#With Humanity
منظمة إنسانية غير ربحية مسجلة في تركيا، تأسست مطلع عام 2013 م لتقديم الإغاثة الإنسانية لمستحقيها من المحتاجين والمنكوبين.
عضويات عطاء