Amal and the charitable work in Syria… culture and way of life

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News Section of Ataa Relief

Welcome to the news section of the Ataa Relief and Humanitarian Association. In this section, we are delighted to share with you the latest developments and news about our projects and programs aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals and promoting sustainable development.

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More than 465 thousand beneficiaries and 1293 early intervention sessions in Ataa community centers

Ataa Association for Humanitarian Relief launched its community centers since the beginning of 2013, with various activities and services. Over the course of nine years, it was the main space for advancing the psychological and social life of the displaced and residents, and the point of access to the population while providing the appropriate place for close interventions with the beneficiaries, which contributes to understanding their needs.

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On World Food Day, 60% of the population suffers from food insecurity in Syria

The United Nations defined food security in 1974, at the World Food Conference, as “the availability of sufficient food for individuals at all times.” According to its definition, Syria faces a major food insecurity crisis, and a continuous deterioration in the standard of living of most families, especially the displaced in camps in different parts of Syria.

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