Amal and the charitable work in Syria… culture and way of life

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In order to provide the services in the best possible way to the beneficiaries and partners, Ataa Relief and its partners carried out a set of studies of the Syrian reality and the Syrian society periodically in various fields of humanitarian work In order to find new solutions that achieve our mission in empowering the Syrian society.

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On World Food Day, 60% of the population suffers from food insecurity in Syria

The United Nations defined food security in 1974, at the World Food Conference, as “the availability of sufficient food for individuals at all times.” According to its definition, Syria faces a major food insecurity crisis, and a continuous deterioration in the standard of living of most families, especially the displaced in camps in different parts of Syria.

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Ataa Concludes Ramadan Campaign 2022

The continuation of the war in Syria, the bombardment and destruction of most areas, displacement of the population, the loss of shelter, and the high unemployment rate have caused Ataa to strive to meet or reduce people’s needs, promote food security, and Helping vulnerable families of IDPs or resident.

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