Amal and the charitable work in Syria… culture and way of life

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The education sector works to improve access to education services while giving priority to the most disadvantaged population groups, as the sector focuses on completing the current systems instead of creating parallel systems, with a commitment to their sustainability, which contributes to the return of dropout children to education and ensures the continuation of registered students, and improves the quality of education Provided to them, the sector includes building and renovating schools, supporting the educational process, and developing distance education methods.

Education sector activities in Ataa

Ata Vocational Institute.. With science and will, hope is achieved.

Young “Abdul Rahman Rajab” was displaced several times and finally settled in camps in northern Syria. Initially they did not find a tent. They put a canvas roof under a tree where he lived with his family. He did not have a job and did not have a career in which he could secure his family’s livelihood, and did not have money to move to a shelter that would provide them with a dignified and secure life.

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Ataa achievements and projects in the education sector in northern Syria

More than two thirds of children and boys in northern Syria do not receive any kind of education according to the United Nations Children’s Fund statistics, due to war and frequent displacement resulting in a change in people’s lives, thinking, aspirations and reprioritization, made education a secondary need for many families. They can hardly secure basic necessities to live until they secure stationery to educate their children, as well as the hardship and cost of getting their children to school.

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