Life does not wait for us, and miracles will not come, life is harsh and we have to adapt to our new reality, with our hands we create our future and our happiness…
Ahmed “Abu Mahmoud”, 36 years old, has six children. He was displaced with his family from the countryside of Aleppo, and he resided with them in Atmeh camps in the northern countryside of Idlib. He struggled with life and struggled hard to provide a living for himself and his family day after day. He had satisfaction and lived a relative happiness. Providing the basic requirements is a beautiful thing in the busyness of life and the misery of life.
The difficulty of life did not stop there. In addition to the loss of their home and the problems of displacement, Ahmed suffered an injury that caused paralysis and inability to move, after which he entered Turkey for treatment and hospitalization, and his family remained waiting for him without a breadwinner.
Ahmed arrived, in a difficult condition, and was received by the medical staff in Dar Ataa, unable to move. A surgery was performed and he stayed in Dar Ataa for three months to be rehabilitated. By the grace of God, he was able to practice some activities such as eating, climbing into a chair, and meeting his basic needs by himself without help, and moving his hands.
Life did not and will not stop, and Ahmed did not wait for miracles. The inability to walk does not mean the end of life, but the beginning of a new career and life. “Abu Mahmoud” searched for possible works for his new reality, and began training in office programs and mastered office programs in cooperation with trainers and cadres at Dar Ataa in Turkey.
Ahmed returned to Syria, to his long-awaited family, and he is full of hope. He has various experiences in various office programs. He searches daily for a job opportunity that provides him and his family with the basic requirements for living, in which he is self-reliant, satisfied with his reality, and hopes for a better future.
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