PR / Gaziantep / SCHF-WASH-SNFI-CCCM-23-15 / 013
Shop Selection in (Saramad community and Al Dana Community)
ATAA is looking into contracting heating materials shops (wholesalers – retailers).
The project will be implemented in one round in market of Saramad community and Al Dana Community
Beneficiaries can use their vouchers to purchase heating materials.
Interested shop owners should be able to supply heating materials in quantity and quality and should be able to meet the following requirements:
- Shop owners should have a PTT account.
- Shop owners should express interest in participating and abide by ATAA conditions throughout the project’s work period.
- Shop owners undertake to sell goods at fair prices, will be compared against market median prices, and quality.
- Shop owners must have the ability to secure the various goods required and the ability to resupply in sufficient quantity and same quality to meet expected demand.
- Commitment of Shop owners to provide details of good service such as visible price tags or automatic itemized receipts.
- Shop owners undertake to work weekly days from Monday to Friday.
- Shop owners need to verify their proximity to the locations of project participants and ensure that they are accessible to them.
- Shop owners undertake to treat program participants with respect and provide any necessary assistance.
- Personally attend all meetings and training organized by ATAA.
- Allowing ATAA to monitor the voucher redemption process.
- Allowing ATAA, its partners, or any other external control body to inspect the merchandise to ensure that it meets the minimum quality standards available in the market.
- Paying at a later period of vouchers redemption process, estimated at 3 to 4 weeks.
- Shop owners must accept the terms and methods of payment and are ready to receive the dues in Turkish Lira according to the exchange rate on the day of transfer from the ATAA account to the Shop owners’ account.
- ATAA will visit the Shop owners who meet the above-mentioned conditions and evaluate technically using VCS and financially in sealed quotations, then the most suitable shops will be identified for the project and the beneficiaries.
Shop owners will be required to attach the following documents to their application
- Copy of shop owner/partner (if any) ID card
- A document proving the existence of a PTT account
Shop owners may also provide the below documents if available.
- A Valid trade license for shop owner/partner (if any) (if available)
- A copy of any previous contracts with NGO or UN agencies (if available)
- A proof of the lease of the shop location or ownership deed.
Shop owners who are interested and able to meet the above requirements should submit all required documents and fill out the application form.
by visiting the ATAA office starting from (05/02/2023)
ATAA office in Idleb / Sarmada –Syria
Deadline for applications: (14/02/2023)
The application is free of cost. Submission of the application is NOT a guarantee of contract.
For further information, please reach out to us via E-mail: [email protected]
To record a complaint, inquiry, positive or negative feedback, or suggestion, please contact us through the following channels:
- Voice or text messages via WhatsApp number +905524550080.
- Email: [email protected]
- complaints portal:
ATAA Association has zero-tolerated for corruption, exploitation, or fraud cases. All your complaints, inquiries, and suggestions are taken into consideration.
All services provided by ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association are completely free of charge and submitting a complaint does not affect your right to access our services and does not put you at risk of retaliation.
Names of Camps/ Villages which be close to the shops within a scope of area don’t exceed 2 km:
- Alshahbaa Village/ قرية الشهباء
- Al Khan/ الخان
- Saad bin abi wakkas/سعد بن ابي وقاص
- Khaled Bin Al Waleed(Sarmada)/
- Kafr Deryan Janobi/ كفر دريان جنوبي
- Alwasitah /الوسيطه
- New Alfaqiea / الفقيع الجديد
- Kukabah / كوكبة
- Al Diaa 2 / الضياء 2
- Al Mawada/ المودة
- Al Othmanyah / العثمانية
- Al Gadakah/ الغدقة