Poet “Ahmed al-Kandary”
A distinctive association characterized by transparency as well as youth; youth are the spirit of hope and the spirit of the homeland, they will...
ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association concluded the project of sacrificing and distributing sacrifices on the poor and needy which lasted throughout the days of Eid...
The ceremonies of signing the Protocol of “establishing a secondary school” were held between the mayor of Urfa Mr. Abdullah Arin and the education manager Ismail...
A Part of the “Education in Emergencies” training conducted by ATAA Association and Syria Relief Organization, and in coordination with the Coordinator of the...
As a part of the Turkish Red Crescent’s 151st anniversary celebration and in honor of organizations which support humanitarian issues, Mr. Kerem Kanik, The...
An event was held in Istanbul With the attendance of one hundred and fifty people who are interested in Humanitarian and media work, and with the support of ATAA...