Tender #: TG – WFP-FSL-23-4 -T13
ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association is pleased to invite the service providers recommended to ATAA and who have experience in...
Tender #: TG – (SCI-EDU-PRO-23-24) – T001
ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association invites service providers who have experience working with humanitarian...
Tender #: TG – (ATAA-HAW.AG-23-01)-T001
ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association invites service providers who have experience working with humanitarian organizations to...
The first moments were terrible, I woke up to a terrifying vibration and sound, I held on to my children and wife who gathered around me, the vibration began to increase...
A terrible scene, buildings collapsing, panic and screaming, women carrying their children and running, people jumping out of windows and people filling the streets with...
مع حلول الظلام واقتراب انقضاء اليوم الثالث، من بقي على قيد الحياة تحت الأنقاض للآن بحاجة إليكم، بحاجة إلى كل أنواع المساعدة لينجوا بحياته، إخوانه وأهله وأولادة يناشدوكم،...
Ataa Association for Humanitarian Relief announces the availability of job opportunities in the Turkish city of Gaziantep. Those who wish to obtain a job and possess the...