The smell of Arabic coffee “Bitter Coffee” attracts you when you pass by the tent of Uncle Ibrahim, “Abu Ahmed” who is the grandson of the mukhtar of the village from which they were expelled in Idlib countryside.
Abu Ahmed still maintains the habit of serving “bitter coffee” as it is known locally, daily to all his visitors, and confirms that he cannot abandon it despite the conditions of displacement and expulsion.
Serving “bitter coffee” is accompanied by specific traditions. When Abu Ahmed serves coffee at the beginning, he checks the taste of the coffee, then offers the first cup to the guest as an expression of respect and appreciation for him. Then the second cup, which is called the “ecstasy cup” of coffee, in order for the guest to adjust his mood, and the guest expresses his satisfaction with drinking coffee by shaking the cup.
Abu Ahmed, who inherited the preparation and serving of Arabic coffee from his ancestors, says, “Everything is different now after the expulsion, even the taste of “bitter coffee” is no longer the same as it was. The situation has changed and we have lost the pleasure of coffee and the mood after our displacement. In addition to a large legacy of coffee tools such as : “Mehbaj”: pestle, coffee roaster, “Addallah”: coffee pot.